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The cost for editing and proofreading is based on level of need. Click here to submit a sample of your work to determine pricing, or to get help writing the beginning of your manuscript.

Dedicated to your writing and educational needs.
Excellence Guaranteed

“Dr. McBride was great and so eager to help me! She definitely knows what she's talking about."

Sandra Tamworth 

"I'm leaving today with a firmer grasp of how to structure my thoughts in a way that is clear."


Priscilla Upton

"As a first year teacher, I struggled with writing objectives and classroom management. After one workshop with Dr. McBride, I'm so much more confident and prepared to control student behavior and create a positive learning environment."

Andrew Carlisle

...she provided feedback in less than 24 hours on an excerpt from a paper that I submitted. It was extremely helpful, and she even addressed a few grammatical issues that I had not raised questions about. I'm very glad that she did! My paper is much stronger now.

Andrea Rodriguez

"I'm currently working on a novel. Having someone who is already a published author editing and proofreading my drafts, makes life so much easier! Thanks, Doc!"

Justin Sawyer

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